Cities of Gold
Haunted Valley
Diamond Knot
Only You Can Make It Right
Sand Castles
Much Bigger
Atmosphere Suit
Remember The Ruins
Boy's Herald
Necromancer. My favorite of this incredible artist's work.
Take That Pearl
Flying Mutation
The Long Return
Back On The Road
Better Way
The Forest Primeval
Doc Savage Collage
Lom + Wint
At some point I have to stop. I have been talking with leothefox for
not even a week, and I am blown away at this guy's range and ability.
He is a reader of early Sci/Fi, and of everything else. I mean Hugo
Gernsback grade reading. I would say scholar but that is far too dry
for such imagination as we see here.
I see much influence in this artwork, yet he has made it all his own.
His art nouveau picture borders alone are worth visiting his page for.
He reads and collects pulp magazines that I have never heard of, pretty
humbling to be sure.
But it is always best to make up your own mind about something, don't take my word for anything! -

Originally posted April 25, 2019
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