Lost Manhood!

 Hi Guys!

It's me, Andrew the Bee, again and I'm back with something weird! Seriously, what's going on here?  We've got this passed-out dude who's comatose in his chair.  From the look on his face, I'd say he was having a bad dream.  But wait!  What's up with that angel?  She's kinda pretty, so she must be here to help him out!  With her left hand she's putting some kinda crown on his head and with her other hand, she's shoving something down toward his junk!

The picture says "Civiale Remedies."  Maybe you're thinking it's some kind of medicine?  You know, to make him feel better!  Well, you bet it is!  But this is a case of the cure being worse than the disease... like, way worse!

See, it's the year 1891 and science long ago determined that if you were a guy and you were messing with yourself, then you were gonna lose your manhood!  You'd become nervous, excitable, and you'd lose weight and turn into a skinny wreck, like this dude!  

This was a big problem and there were all kinds of treatments and pills that you could take, but none of 'em seemed to work.  None, that is, until Professor Jean Civiale came up with this gem of an idea:  

Yep, that's right!  Medicated crayons that you jam into your wee-wee until they meltHa!  I bet you won't be tempted to mess with yourself while that's going on!  Were they really "quick and painless?"  I doubt it!  But look on the bright side, if you kept at it, you'd get all your manhood back!  That's something, ain't it?

What?  You say you're a girl?  Well don't worry, there's stuff for you too!  


Actually, I have no idea what this is supposed to cure.  From what I can tell, only men could lose their manhood.  I never heard of any cases where women could lose their womanhood.  Oh well -- Different strokes for different folks I guess!

See you next time!






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