Dudebros and Man Snacks, 1909 Style!


Hi Guys!


It's your boy, Andrew the Bee, back again with some fashionable nonsense from the year 1909!   See, Wendy and me were plowin' through some dumb antique shop when I ran across these old ads for hip college clothes.  Judging from the pictures, I guess this was the face of cool 111 years ago!  

I mean, check out this dude in the primitive zoot suit!  He's rockin' that freshman beanie and as you can plainly see, the chicks are eatin' out of his hand!  By the way, "candy kid" refers to a popular song of the time called "Oh, you Candy Kid," recorded by Ada Jones in the summer of 1909.  "Candy Kid" became a popular slang term when you wanted to say that you liked some guy!

Heck, if I were Mabel, I'd  say it was awful to the max!  I like that dude's cool yellow shoes, though!  "Ain't It Awful, Mabel," was another slang expression that took hold in 1908.  Basically it means that you recognize that somethin' is bad, but hey, not really *that* bad!  The expression was first used as the title of a poem written by John E. Hazzard and then it became popular after it was released as a song recorded by W. T. Francis.  It was also a short-lived comic strip drawn by Roy Taylor, who was an early cartoonist working for the New York Evening World. *

He guesses that he's bad, but I'm guessin' he's what Billy would call a "ponce!"  That girl's draggin' him around like a livin' doll, that's for sure -- and I don't care if he's got a senior cane or not!  "Guess I'm Bad" probably comes from the title of a movie that hit the theaters in 1909.  Most films of that time were silent, but this one was memorable because it had synchronized sound!  Most of us think that The Jazz Singer was the first talkie, but 20 years before that, there were a small number of experimental sound films being put out by National Cameraphone and other pioneer studiosI Guess I'm Bad was one of 'em!  

I dunno guys.  To me, clothes are just clothes, not "authoritative wearthings."  If anybody tries to tell you different, send 'em to me and I'll straighten 'em out!  

That's all for now -- See you later!







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