Land Of Remembered Vacations


Last week I received a most unexpected surprise in the mail.  My business partner Andy sent me this marvelous, pristine copy of a 1930's Maine travel brochure,  and as can be seen he lives in one lovely state.  That canoe would be worth boocoo bucks to wooden boat enthusiasts anywhere.

This looks like it was taken yesterday.  Maine must be heaven, the idea of not putting up with the Texas Coastal summers just sends me.  And - they have lobsters.  Yum yum!

Sure looks like Maine has it all.  Get your planning kit now!  Hmmm...I wonder if I have to bring my own mop and broom to those housekeeping camps.  Like that time I drove to Pennsylvania and saw all those signs that said 'Clean Restrooms Ahead', I bet I cleaned dozens of them before I got to Pittsburgh!  This requires a one cent stamp, which reminds me of the joke about the penny screw.  Once this kid was sent to the hardware store to get a single penny screw, but he chose the wrong building and wound up in the local whorehouse instead.  So he told the madam...oh, nuts.  You guys wouldn't get it anyway.

Andibi's avatar

Andy and I are the owners of Hybrid Online, the new face of furry art.  He is one hell of a guy and this wonderful gift proves it.  This is only part one, there was more in the package but I am keeping this mainly Maine.

How The 'Great Seal Of The State Of Maine' Came To Be | Maine Public

Dirigo means 'I lead'.

Thanks a million, Andy, and tell the boys that Billy will soon be there!



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