The Rabbit Who Identifies As A Predator

 Flamma is insane by Rabbit People standards.  Captured at a young age along with his family, he saw them all killed in the arena.  Rabbits practice a peaceful religion akin to Buddhism, they will not fight.  When the young Flamma, née Bumbletail, was thrust onto the sands he used his sword before his opponent could move.  Size and strength are nothing to speed in an edged weapons fight.  Before long, the bunny was packing 'em in so the audience could see someone, anyone, kill the upstart rabbit.  That was years ago.  With over 100 victories behind him, Flamma has refused the wooden sword some 9 times and is very clearly enjoying himself.  His greatest pleasure is switching his tail at the crowd, a deadly insult among rabbits, but not understood by the wolves of New Rome.
The only pronoun appropriate to the Bloody Bunny is 'Himself'.
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.

W. H. Auden, September 1, 1939
What huge imago made - A psychopathic god?


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