Top Of The Hill Figurine

I just bought this pretty lady from our local thrift store for 60 cents.  She is perfect, not a chip or flaw.  She was fired before 1959.  She was designed by Leslie Harradine.  She was made by Royal Doulton.

 That store is very foolish with their pricing, usually they overprice junk and no one there has an eye for obscure treasures.  They also think nothing of writing prices on comic books with ink.  Too bad for them, I love a great find.  This is why I watched the Antiques Roadshow religiously, one never knows what will turn up.  When I find something like this it is opportunity knocking with a baseball bat.

 Gloat :
To contemplate or dwell on one's own success or another's misfortune with smugness or malignant pleasure.


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