Love In Plastic

This is jewelry box or something that I paid a few cents for at a garage sale.  As a anthro rabbit artist and full time incompetent guitar student, I think this is just lovely.  Whoever the manufacturer is, and the word China comes to mind, they did a superb job on this.
This is the very picture of love and adoration.  Of course this scene of togetherness doesn't hint at the tears to come, the arguments, accusations of infidelity, anger, breaking things - especially guitars, heavy drinking, criticism of the boy rabbit's sorry-ass job if he has one, running up obscene charges on credit cards, late night waiting up for hubby to come home from that goddamn bar where he spends all his free time with his hoodlum friends, hours on the phone whining to her mother whose advice is to dump the jerk, now, locking himself in his bun cave watching endless porn on the net cause that way at least a guy can get SOMETHING even if it's imaginary, terrible cooking, buying things off the Home Shopping Network that no one needs and we can't afford anyway, days of not being spoken to and wondering what he has done or forgotten this time, and right when they really hate each other she will decide to have a baby, meaning 18 years of child support he will try and evade, leading to a brief career in the French Furry Legion that will be ended in a pestilential shithole in Chad, and the body won't even be recovered because we were lucky to get out with our lives, never mind some lapin Américain mort, n'est-ce pas?

Marriage is a wonderful and magic thing.


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