
 Pig, Hartley Hare, and Topov the monkey.  The original show, which first aired in 1973, was entitled Inigo Pipkins, about a puppet maker and his creations.  The actor who played Inigo, George Woodbridge, inconsiderately died while the second series was being filmed so the show was re-written as being about a bunch of puppets now named 'The Help People'.  The quality of the puppets is abysmal and take a look at this clip for an idea of how deep this rabbit hole goes.


Creepy at the very least and it sure looks like hand puppet rape to me.

Hartley Hare in the notorious phone sex episode.  Here is an opening sequence -

The stuff dreams are made of.  Uh...that's dreams, not daydreams.

1973 was a good year, I started reading comics again.  American comics.


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