Russian Competence

Finnish soldier displaying the skin of a Soviet soldier near Maaselkä, on the strand of lake Seesjärvi during Continuation War on the 15th of December in 1942. Original caption: "An enemy recon patrol that was cut out of food supplies had butchered a few members of their own patrol group, and had eaten most of them." ("Vihollisen vakoilupartio, jäätyään muonalähetyksiä vaille, oli teurastanut pari saman partion jäsentä ja syönyt niistä suurimman osan.")… 

The flip side of this is that the skin is human size, and the head, hands and feet would have been chopped off as in skinning a rabbit, not to mention it is extremely unlikely Finns would mistake a moose hide for that of a human.  Verdict - Russian cannibalism.

 The Finns made monkeys of the Russians during the Winter War and only lost due to the weight of the forces arrayed against them.  Martin Cruz Smith described the Russian Front in WWII as the armies of two mass murderers of about the same strategic abilities colliding.  And not once did anyone in Russia try to kill Stalin before, during, or after the war.  To stay silent and do nothing in the face of tyranny is acquiescence.

Photo property of the Finnish War Department.



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