Our Co-op Site Hybrid Is Now Two Years Old!

 Here we are again, another Valentine's anniversary.  We started Hybrid February 14th, 2020.  As of this writing, we have 35,158 views.  I was aiming for 20,000 views a year, but we have been in a slump lately, I suspect that many of our readers don't know how to work the menu.  Still, 35,000 views is not to be picked at, the entire point of this effort is to get us all more attention.

 Of course I am riding the coattails of our many talented people.  Virtue by association!

This has all been made possible by the wildly enthusiastic Andy, who is never discouraged by 'setbacks' or 'reality'.

We have some of the best anthro artists there are on this site.

 Not, of course, to beat our own drum...

...but our exceptionally high standards make us unique in the furry world.  As the card above demonstrates, there is a reason we don't allow humans!

 We will never despair.
You guys mean the world to me.

 I owe the Hybrid members so much.

To have and to hold!

It's just fantastic having all you wonderful, er...people on board.

We accept you, we accept you.  One of us!

After all, it's about creativity.

Billy D Bunny, signing off.

See you next year.



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