
Eight days ago I buried my darling cat Mingo.  Last night I was reading of a druidic ceremony near Wilmlow in Cheshire.  We know of this because the body of a well built young man was deposited there between the years two and one nineteen.  It was a violent sacrifice for as to propitiate the god, gods, witch doctors or just plain nature.
I realized that my burial of my beloved was an offering to the Gods, such as they are.   I did not seek good harvest but rather an immortality for my cat.  He will live as long as I do.  He sleeps until he is needed.
I have been reading Sir James Frazer ever since I read about him in that most amazing hardback magazine, Horizon.  His main thing in The Golden Bough is the sacrifice of a King over the whole fertility brouhaha.  The Grove of Artemis was guarded by a runaway slave, who was King until a challenger killed him.
And of course 'selvish' is a word.   Speak friend and enter!

The Grove of Artemis, Turner.

Mingo was sacrificed for my peace of mind.  He was never a condemned slave, but the love of my heart.  Yet all burials are an offering to the earth, and this was no different.  Out of dissolution will come strength, renewal, delight.


Used to be this.  Struck three times with an ax, strangled, and stabbed in the neck.  And this guy was of high rank!
Sure hope you guys got the harvest you were looking for, you limey savages.

And speaking of savagery, a section of the Gundestrup Cauldron.  Baptism or exsanguination?  I think sometimes the Celts should really have quit eating rye bread in the winter, yes I do.

Give our regards to Asgard.

 This was written in January 2018 after I had my beloved Mingo put to sleep.  He had a disease that was one hundred percent fatal.  It broke my heart to do so, I love him very much.  I named this post 'Beltane' because of my very pagan feelings about burials.  As today is the first of May, I feel this is appropriate. 

All hail the King in the Ground!

The meadow by the bridge will delight you, and you have friends already there.  I'm on my way.

It just ain't fair.


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