The Milky Way

     Three kittens, denied milk as punishment for losing their mittens after playing out in the snow, sail up into the Milky Way in a basket lifted by three balloons.  Once in the Milky Way, they find it a land of natural milk springs and gushers. The kittens proceed to happily gorge themselves on milk, until they get into trouble and risk falling back down to Earth. However, it is then revealed that the whole event was just a dream. Their mother then comes in to their bedroom to invite them down for supper. The kittens rush excitedly into the kitchen, only to be sickened to see that their supper is milk. 

This won the Academy Award for 1940, the first non Disney cartoon to do so.  MGM.


 I said M - G - M.  
Oh, and speaking of Warner Brothers, the voice of the mother cat in The Milky Way is that of the uncredited Bernice Hansen, who can be heard in this cat cartoon which also has a 3 little kitten reference:


Fagin's Freshmen, 1939.  Why is always the adventurous boy who gets the life lesson?

I think that's bullshit!

Goddamn rabbit.


  1. My first role model was Peter Rabbit, "who was very naughty"


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