Aesop For Americans - Part Three

I met up with the others at the rally last night.  I had my mask pulled down over my face and was wearing black, with gloves of course.  Our collective decided to end this state sponsored murder once and for all, it was time these police scumbags were brought to justice.  I smoked a joint with my friend Sunfire Hawkwind, she had a bullhorn and led the rally as more people swelled the crowd.  'End the tyranny of the pigs!  Death to Fascist Amerika'!  The energy was amazing, the Nihilist contingent led the others in a spirited version of the Internationale.  Tonight we would throw acid in the stormtrooper's faces, no more undercover infiltration of our celebrations of freedom.  We would forever mark these class traitors for all to know on sight.  As one of the prime leaders of the movement I could not be spared for the attacks on the cops, and a call for volunteers brought nothing but excuses, all of which were valid, man.  But that was OK, someone forgot to bring the acid so we went off to burn a used bookstore as a blow to the corporate masters that have so ruined our lives with their incredible power trip.  Later that night a hero hit a police horse in the face with a cinderblock and man did those assholes freak out about that!

All property is theft, including my dad's credit cards.

Picture by Gustave Doré from la Fontaine's The Rats In Council, Or Who Will Bell The Cat?


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