Aesop For Americans!

My brother was always having fun, living life in the fast lane.  While I went to school to become an engineer, he learned to fly jets in the Air Force and made fun of me on holiday family get-togethers.  No matter, I buckled down with my studies and soon was working for a construction company building roads and bridges.  It was hard and pretty much dull, but I knew that keeping my nose to the grindstone would pay off.  Meanwhile my brother started acting in movies, soon he was a star living in Hollywood, he had a great thing going.  After I got married the kids started coming so I worked even more to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.  I would read about my brother in the tabloids, he was always on the covers.  Good copy, good looks, the envy of the world.  My kids grew up and were soon in trouble with the law, my wife left me telling me on the way out the door that life with me was like living in a cemetery.  About this time my brother sold a substantial amount of cocaine to an LAPD detective.  Soon he was in prison and all his assets were confiscated.  My patent on the concrete process was granted about this time and I became enormously rich, girls coming and going, hobnobbing with the connected and powerful.  My number is unlisted and I won't answer the door in case it turns out to be one of my kids or my ex knocking.  When my brother asked for money upon his release from prison I hung up on him.  I didn't even go to the funeral after he killed himself. 
Life, as they say, is good.  Real good.

Picture from The Story Of The Tortoise And The Hare by Ray Harryhausen.

Ha ha.


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