How Could I?


  I like to buy and sell collectibles, 'art' and just plain junk.  Looking through a Goodwill, I found four adorable little girl cats singing, holding books or stuffed animals.  They were only a quarter apiece, and I was going to buy all four plus a young rabbit holding flowers, when I noticed that one of the cat ladies had a broken teddy bear.  After agonizing over it, I left her and bought the other three.  I sat out in the car telling myself not to go back and get the broken darling little cat, she was only plastic.  If I was filming this, I would have a long shot and slowly approach the darkened store, through the door, down the aisle, close up on the shelf with the three marks in the dust where I removed the other figurines, and then close in on the broken cat and focus on her face.  A single tear would then roll down her face.  Oh, hell.  If she is there tomorrow I will buy her, resell be damned.  I've read The Velveteen Rabbit, only plastic, indeed!  (one day later).  Today I went and bought the little cat and brought her home. She was smiling more than I saw her do yesterday.  I will give her for free, a lagniappe as it were, to whoever buys these.

I'm a long way from the person I used to be.


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