I Hurt People For Fun And For Laughs

Too fuckin' bad.

Some background on this.  This is a picture of my former friend Kate, who on the day depicted went off on me, and I do mean went off, because I read a short story of hers and told her I was surprised as I did not know she was creative.  I felt bad and drew this.
     Kate has been arrested several times since then and has no friends left.  She is a schizophrenic, and it did not show when I met her at the Starbucks that used to be the center of what social life I had.  The coffee shop has a court order against her, and she lives in an apartment right next door, or did until she got evicted.  She is rail thin and cuts her hair herself with results that can be imagined.  She is a beggar and extremely annoying to be around.  
     I have met her father, a Navy officer and a hell of a guy.  He has tried and I am sure will always be there, but Kate is real bad off now.  I saw her a couple three weeks ago and was shocked at her deterioration, physical and mental.  
     And I feel like she could try a lot harder.  She is on the fast track to be without resources and must be in hell.  This is written in the present tense as I know nothing of what has become of her.  The name I have given her in this is fictional.
 This update written 10/19/15. 



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