In Which I Am Goaded Into Elagaics

Our vorpal swords will go to rust

As we like all flesh turn to dust

But Excelsior! our spirits rise

Into the vast ethereal skies.  

Chaosfive-55's avatar


No need to fear return to dust,

As the motto states, In God We Trust.

Life is both stern yet Rabelaisian,

It hones our souls in preparation

For that time when we end our days

And move into a higher phase.

Each journey through each open portal

Doth teach us how to be immortal.

This twisted, uphill path we trod

Is just to make us fit for God.


Forget the words, both prose and rhyming

Put down that pen and start a'climbing!

Classic Folie à deux.

 Jacob's Dream, header picture, by William Blake, 1805.


  1. Damn, we're good!!! But you get the lion's share of praise, not least for rhyming preparation with Rabelaisian!!


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