
     The mind blowing Comic of the seventies.  I had enough trouble in high school identifying with Jack London and the Silver Surfer.  But this, unequaled, Jim Starlin production was extremely well thought out, unbelievably well drawn, and I had just discovered Zap Comics. This put the tap dance on the young boy's brain cells, both of them.

     Jim Starlin was the best comic artist like, ever.  And then he went south, real fucking bad.  Boy did he suck.  And there was no excuse for it. None.  Of course he could not equal this but goddamn, read "Dreadstar" and tell me how great he is.

     This kept getting weirder and better.  I really thought that this was super fucking heavy. But hey, I thought " On The Road" was advice to live by!

     Jack Kirby and Burt Reynolds made their Walk-ons!

     The In-Betweener, not a villain or hero.  Just a very good plot device.  Real fucking good.

                                    Sexual Fact of the day.   You do not fuck with the Magus!


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