The Chrono Grinder, Part The Second

      The Dallas Library, Main Entrance, 1972.  Taken with my Voightlander, developed and printed by me as the kid.  I thought I was the next Robert Capa.  Marshall M. Fredricks, sculptor.

     Selfie with tripod mounted view camera, remote press button cable release.  Why did my parents let me buy those glassses?  I am currently listening to Mary Had A Little Lamb, Stevie Ray.  1971, it says on the back in my ink pen scratching that was used for marking laundry but I felt like Edgar Allan Poe using it.

     Above, tourist trap at Port Aransas.  I think it is still there.  Below,  Lake Dallas, annual Collins Radio engineer bash.  Both c. 1970.  That's all, folks!


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