
Showing posts from January, 2016

Lord Of Light

Back in the 70's, it was announced that the movie Lord Of Light would be filmed in a location that would later be turned into a theme park. Jack Kirby was hired, and paid, to do these concept drawings. Overambitious to say the least. The movie "Argo" was based on this.   Roger Joseph Zelazny,  Genius.  Badass.  Super cool guy.     What could have been.      

Cute, But Vicious

Drawn in the last few minutes. Here a sullen rabbit sits framed by various symbols, and he meditates on his place in this collective dream of ours.  So handsome and so vicious!

Ramree Island

     In January, 1945, the British forces under Lt. General Slim descended on Ramree Island, off the west coast of Burma, in order to use the flat, 50 mile long island as an airbase.  The target area was defended by a battalion of Japanese with artillery support.  It also was home to many, many saltwater crocodiles. Salt water crocodile.      The night of Feb. 19th the battalion of Japanese entered the swamp to join up with a larger force on the other side of the island.  Of those 900 men, 20 were alive the next morning.  They had to cross a mangrove forest swarming with-    These. The Guinness Book of  Records calls this the worst mass animal attack in history.  The veracity of the story is disputed, after all the Brits were pouring fire into the swamp, but something very nasty happened on Ramree.

Disasters Of War

I will lead off with the inspiration for this particular post.  Goya, Disasters of War Urrah Pobeida! Spanish Legionairres with the heads of Riffian "rebels". Disputed atrocity photo. Looks real to me. General Loan was an admirable man.  The disaster here was what this picture did to him. Between wars, Japan.  The implications of this photo, are, Comrades, obvious! Nightmare Alley.  The walk home from Chosin. Malmedy.  Baugnez crossroads.  We would have been more justified in our rage had not soldiers under Patton killed captured German soldiers because he told them to. Patton was a war criminal. What we got from Versailles. Viva D'Aubuisson! Viva El Salvador!

Were Abouts

The best designed Were so Far. Van Helsing.  Sexiest Were ever, where ever! Lon Chaney Jr.  Jack Pierce, make-up genius. ArtPaliwico.  Superior. This is very well done. Rick Baker. Prince Caspian. Being Human, BBC. I think I have this. Ivar-L.  Just superior. Quint. Underworld Awakening.  I have not seen this but that will change pronto! Van Helsing again.  My fave were. And just one more.  Awesome!  And, last but not least- Angua von Uberwald, werewolf of the Watch. Ingrid Bolsa Berdal Going Postal.

Achive Desperation, Part Whatever...

Out doing the shops with Greg.  Here I am admiring a splendid necklace when Greg, who disapproves of smoking and eating meat, snatches my cigarette away.  He can be such a bitch!

Momotaro - Umi No Shenpei

Japan's first full length animated film.  Adorable anthro warriors subdue the enemies of Dai Nippon.   A spirited rendition of Kimigayo. Tenno Haka Banzai.     Momotaro: Sacred Sailors ( 桃太郎 海の神兵 ,  The Peach Boy goes to war. I hear the pitty pitty patter of little bitty feet- It's the British Empire in full retreat! Amazing that such cowards took over the world.  The Peach Boy has kicked in the door of a very rotten structure. A crack ground crew.  It is my honor to point out at this time Japanese ground personnel were placing wooden skids under airplane wheels when moving them on the ground in order to save rubber.  True story.  And they were in a life or death struggle with an enraged United States?  In oil production alone we were as 700 is to 1.  What nerve. Ending.  These are Japanese school boys...

Ernest Howard Shepard, O.B.E., M.C.

When The Toad Came Home! Intervention. In The Dock. The Very Next Time This Happens....! This Motherfucker Can Draw. I Do So Like Anthro Artwork. Eeyore And Piglet. Shepard ended the first war as a Major with an M.C. for his service at Passchendale.  He was almost 40. This guy is one of the top anthro artists of them all, up there with Beatrix Potter.