Disasters Of War

I will lead off with the inspiration for this particular post. 
Goya, Disasters of War

Urrah Pobeida!

Spanish Legionairres with the heads of Riffian "rebels".
Disputed atrocity photo.
Looks real to me.

General Loan was an admirable man.  The disaster here was what this picture did to him.

Between wars, Japan.  The implications of this photo, are, Comrades, obvious!

Nightmare Alley.  The walk home from Chosin.

Malmedy.  Baugnez crossroads.  We would have been more justified in our rage had not soldiers under Patton killed captured German soldiers because he told them to.
Patton was a war criminal.

What we got from Versailles.

Viva D'Aubuisson! Viva El Salvador!


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