George Leonard Carlson

George Leonard Carlson.  1887-1962. Our finest wackadoo artist.

He would be remembered today for this alone.  But-

This is what makes him who he is in the Comic pantheon.
Jingle Jangle Tales, 1942-49.  Ten cents.

An early believer in the power of a handsome anthro rabbit.  Whoa!

That is the Pie Faced Prince on skies, with an oar, and a sweaty ambulatory zither, and what of it?


Every Single Time I've used this stuff I have been arrested. 

I really like hot rabbits!

Nothing like black and white.

George hisownself.  Someone get this man a beer!

From the book, "Perfect Nonsense".

 His version of "The General".

Did I mention that I am fond of anthro Bunnies?

I also like cats.  George Carlson was a one man Dada movement.  I cannot recommend  enough the book that started the modern comix appreciation movement, "All In Color For A Dime", the book that fucked me up worse than "On The Road", and that is big talk.  The essay on George Carlson is by that amazing misanthrope, Harlen Ellison, and is one of the top pieces of writing from the 70's.  (Next to "Dog Soldiers" and "Mork and Mindy").

This is exactly what I look like tonight including the shed!

Welcome to the Coastal Bend.


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