Bal des Ardents, dance of the burning ones. January 28, 1393, Charles VI of France, along with five other nobles, are covered in tar and flax, to portray wildmen. A spectator moves too close with a torch, and the men are ablaze. The spectator was the king's brother, the Duc d'Orleans. Torches and all fire had been forbidden, but the brother, drunk, pushed his way in. The fifteen year old Joan, Duchess de Berry, throws her skirt over the king and saved his life. The only other survivor was the Sieur de Nantouillet who jumped into an open barrel of wine. The king was already crazy as hell and seems to have been a paranoid schizophrenic. The French people saw this as a judgment and it further deteriorated the trust in the court. Charles had already attacked and killed four of his officers while going to war, thought he was made of glass and wandered the court, naked, howling like a wolf. Poe used this incident...