
Showing posts from October, 2016

Two More From Graffo

Meaning?  There is no meaning to be found on this site, just drawings. Wait- perhaps there is some meaning here.  Still, just a drawing.  But I think a very good one!   steve @_livingdog - Instagram

Fursuits And Such Throughout History

Bal des Ardents, dance of the burning ones.   January 28, 1393, Charles VI of France, along with five other nobles, are covered in tar and flax, to portray wildmen.  A spectator moves too close with a torch, and the men are ablaze.  The spectator was the king's brother, the Duc d'Orleans.  Torches and all fire had been forbidden, but the brother, drunk, pushed his way in.   The fifteen year old Joan, Duchess de Berry, throws her skirt over the king and saved his life.  The only other survivor was the Sieur de Nantouillet who jumped into an open barrel of wine.   The king was already crazy as hell and seems to have been a paranoid schizophrenic.  The French people saw this as a judgment and it further deteriorated the trust in the court.  Charles had already attacked and killed four of his officers while going to war, thought he was made of glass and wandered the court, naked, howling like a wolf.  Poe used this incident...

Jack Chick Is Dead

Jack Chick. April 13 1924- Oct. 23 2016. Using the "Tijuana Bible" format, these comics were in every laundromat and phone booth when I was growing up.  They combined laughable artwork with threats of eternal damnation if one did not toe the fundamentalist line. Tijuana Bible.  Better art and story.  And theology.  I remember that some of these were better drawn, like by an artist.   The only people who think evolution means we are descendants of monkeys are Creationists. These things are wide open for mockery.  This is from some smart ass named Johnny Ryan. Ha Ha!  Another one.  This by Howard Hallis. I got this off of Newspaper Rock, an American Indian meets pop culture forum.  This one is about a warrior who gives over his spirit in order to kill a native Christian woman.  Fuck, a box of shells would run about 20 dollars, or you could ...


Antoine Marie Joseph Artaud, known as Antonin.  The above is from Carl Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc. He had a most forceful personality. As Marat. Marat, signing death sentences.  From Napoleon, Abel Gance.       Jacques-Louis David, Death of Marat. Toujours le Avant Garde, Non?   A very good artist in France just contacted me (9/13/21) and pointed out that this is Jean Cocteau.   Pardon, monsieur Cocteau!  Parfois, je suis assez inconscient. A life of drug addiction and schizophrenia. As Savanarola.  Lucrecia Borgia, Gance.  Very fitting. Theater of Cruelty.  As a stage actor I say now that nothing can be crueler than the theater.  This guy was on top of things! One's art can refl...

My Old Neighborhood

...was overrun with werewolves.  Weres take terrible drugs, steal, ignore property rights, let their pit bulls run free, have all kinds of guns, and are nothing but trouble.  Here I am telling off a real scumbag about the dog thing.  He had the nerve to get upset the next day when I did what I told him I would do.  Fucking trash.

Just Phoning It In Today

Fell asleep last night reading about Quatre Bras.  This is, well, just the idea of an English soldier.  Pay no attention to the garland of different size cannon balls.  I blame sobriety!

Tamam Shud

The unidentified man. A better view.   Dec. 1st, 1948.  A man is thought to be sleeping on the beach.  Some drunk, thinks everybody.  After all, this is Australia.  The man is dead.  He is well dressed, in great physical condition, and there is no obvious cause of death.  In his pocket is the last words in the Rubaiyat torn from a book, " Tamam Shud", meaning the end, or, it is over. Identified many times, but never correctly. Nine days later, a suitcase belonging to the dead man is found at Adelaide train station. This is found in his pocket.  The book was eventually located, and it had some puzzling writing in the back cover. This is up there with the Voynich manuscript as a challenge. The book was extremely rare and valuable. H.C. Reynolds, a very close match.  But this is not conclusive and he has never been tracked down.  It ap...