Jack Chick Is Dead

Jack Chick.

April 13 1924- Oct. 23 2016.

Using the "Tijuana Bible" format, these comics were in every laundromat and phone booth when I was growing up.  They combined laughable artwork with threats of eternal damnation if one did not toe the fundamentalist line.

Tijuana Bible.  Better art and story.  And theology. 

I remember that some of these were better drawn, like by an artist.  

The only people who think evolution means we are descendants of monkeys are Creationists.

These things are wide open for mockery.  This is from some smart ass named Johnny Ryan.

Ha Ha!  Another one.  This by Howard Hallis.

I got this off of Newspaper Rock, an American Indian meets pop culture forum.  This one is about a warrior who gives over his spirit in order to kill a native Christian woman.  Fuck, a box of shells would run about 20 dollars, or you could just strangle her.

But Jesus still loves you, Sir.

I think I have made my point.  This Was Your Life scared me badly as a child.  I still think about it.

One more from down under.  Johnny Ryan.


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