Tamam Shud

The unidentified man.

A better view.

Dec. 1st, 1948.  A man is thought to be sleeping on the beach.  Some drunk, thinks everybody.  After all, this is Australia.  The man is dead.  He is well dressed, in great physical condition, and there is no obvious cause of death.  In his pocket is the last words in the Rubaiyat torn from a book, " Tamam Shud", meaning the end, or, it is over.

Identified many times, but never correctly.

Nine days later, a suitcase belonging to the dead man is found at Adelaide train station.

This is found in his pocket.  The book was eventually located, and it had some puzzling writing in the back cover.

This is up there with the Voynich manuscript as a challenge.

The book was extremely rare and valuable.

H.C. Reynolds, a very close match.  But this is not conclusive and he has never been tracked down.  It appears that the dead man may have been a Soviet spy, which would explain his lack of I.D.  But this is just speculation.  There is a whole lot out there on this case.  I just heard of this last night while dragging for mysteries on the net.

Well, see what you think.



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