Japanese whirlwind demon. Could not find the name of the artist but I am guessing that the red kanji is a signature. I don't know from Japanese. They employ their claws or a sickle to do their thing. Pretty damn malevolent, if you ask me. These are invisible weasels, and if anybody has invisible flying bloodthirsty weasels with sickles it would be Dai Nippon.
This vicious fellow is by Xatchett off deviantart. These yokai ride dustdevils and whirlwinds and slash up the unwary, while drawing no blood. In the 1890's there was a rash of these attacks.
Some anime.
The whirlwind thing seems to be a big part of all this.
Kamaitachi, by Eikoh Hosea, 1969.
And another. This is the photographer who took the dynamic black and white pictures of Mishima I had posted in an earlier essay. The model in this series, Kamaitachi, is a famous avant-garde dancer, Tatsumi Hijikata.
arylkia of Deviantart. Thanks to

...for identifying the artist of this fantastic picture.
And here is Usagi doing something with swords and demons. Close enough. Stan Sakai, artist.
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