Around The House

A Shou Lao I picked up for 10$ Saturday. Seems to be mahogany. Heavy. Has a crane by his right side. Shoulder cracked. Inset eyes. Lovely, beautiful carving. So much work and skill for so little money! The only plush thing I have ever bought. Incredible tiger, superior modeling, no makers mark. Pristine condition. Hello there! UrsusArctos asked about some cameras of mine, I took this to show him. Of interest is the Bolex 8mm which is older than I am. As intricate as a Swiss watch and, at the time, about as expensive. We have hundreds of hours of 8mm shot with this exceptional machine. Two slide rules, a Pickett and a K-E. A learners sextant and a hourglass, which was thrown in for the symbolism of it all. I took no time at all composing this picture which seems apropos for yesterday's high tech. My bunny ladder. My p...