
Showing posts from February, 2017

Around The House

A Shou Lao I picked up for 10$ Saturday.  Seems to be mahogany.  Heavy.  Has a crane by his right side.  Shoulder cracked.  Inset eyes.  Lovely, beautiful carving.  So much work and skill for so little money! The only plush thing I have ever bought.  Incredible tiger, superior modeling, no makers mark.  Pristine condition. Hello there! UrsusArctos asked about some cameras of mine, I took this to show him.  Of interest is the Bolex 8mm which is older than I am.  As intricate as a Swiss watch and, at the time, about as expensive.  We have hundreds of hours of 8mm shot with this exceptional machine. Two slide rules, a Pickett and a K-E.  A learners sextant and a hourglass, which was thrown in for the symbolism of it all.  I took no time at all composing this picture which seems apropos for yesterday's high tech. My bunny ladder.  My p...

Richard Corben

Here we shall see the very face of strange and disturbing, Ladies and Gentlemen, - Richard Corben! I was a teenager when I first read "Den" in Heavy Metal.  I was shocked that a man of action could be naked, and then I found the idea intriguing.  Why not?  Sometimes he wore boots which are far more important than anything else.  I stared off liking Corben in Eerie magazine.  This was the first time I read a letter to the editor from a girl, who really liked Den, for obvious reasons.  Wow, a girl reading Sci/Fi!  I have never met such a creature, but there must be one out there. I was in the Corps in '79 when I read this, also in Heavy Metal.  Poor Rowlf, so loyal and so poorly treated!  But a happy ending was had by all.  First time I ever saw Esperanto in print.  This just fed my anthro leanings. Rowlf kicked ass. I lived for this stuff.  I only have one left.  I ha...

Carl Tanzier

Pietro Pajetta, The Hatred, 1896 Carl Tanzier, aka Dr. Carl von Cosel, on the left.  He stole a corpse in Florida and slept with it for seven years.  Florida.  Including the summers, and it is always summer in Florida.  Below is the girl, Elena Hoyos.  The guy on the right I think I saw in some old noir movies, as a DA or a hood. She had tuberculosis and wound up in the sanatorium where "Dr." von Cosel worked. When she died, she was buried in this mausoleum built by the Doctor with the family's consent.  He would slip into it and continue embalming her body.  He apparently had no idea how to do so. After a year or so, he stole the body and moved it into his bedroom, continuing to try to preserve the remains.  He added a tube that allowed him to have sex with her, thereby leaping over Ed Gein in the demented fucking weirdo department, a stunning accomplishment....

Le Chat Noir

Theophile Steinlen, Tour of the Chat Noir.  My favorite cat drawing and one of the best known posters of all time.  Superior.  And now for some variations- No idea who did this.  Nice. 1961, Escher Grelijn. Matt Groening. Oh, my! Harantula. Chat Noir, from Ladybug and Chat Noir. I cannot decide what is the gayest thing about this is, mon amis.  The Bell? The Tail? The Pose?  The Costume?  The Ears?  The Cartoon?  The Haircut?  The Concept?  When I first posted this I had no idea this was from a bad animated cartoon.  If it is thought that my judgement is harsh then take a look at all the fan art out there. Bill Watterson. I hardly need to speak of this. Very nice. Excellent. Elegant. Couldn't agree more. Now this is good.  RochVan. Delightful. ...