Around The House

A Shou Lao I picked up for 10$ Saturday.  Seems to be mahogany.  Heavy.  Has a crane by his right side.  Shoulder cracked.  Inset eyes.  Lovely, beautiful carving.  So much work and skill for so little money!

The only plush thing I have ever bought.  Incredible tiger, superior modeling, no makers mark.  Pristine condition.

Hello there!

UrsusArctos asked about some cameras of mine, I took this to show him.  Of interest is the Bolex 8mm
which is older than I am.  As intricate as a Swiss watch and, at the time, about as expensive.  We have hundreds of hours of 8mm shot with this exceptional machine.

Two slide rules, a Pickett and a K-E.  A learners sextant and a hourglass, which was thrown in for the symbolism of it all.  I took no time at all composing this picture which seems apropos for yesterday's high tech.

My bunny ladder.  My phone is not the best camera, but you get the idea.

My rooster shelf.  All of these were very cheap or I would not own them.  True story!

A two dollar ornament.  When excavated from the lava field that wiped out this prosperous seaside resort 2000 years from now, priceless.  How's that for your I-want-to-be-real bunny crowd?

Mischa has settled in quite well.  Here she takes time out from ripping up the chair, foreground, to see if I have treats.  No?  Fuck you then.  I love her so!


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