Carl Tanzier

Pietro Pajetta, The Hatred, 1896

Carl Tanzier, aka Dr. Carl von Cosel, on the left.  He stole a corpse in Florida and slept with it for seven years.  Florida.  Including the summers, and it is always summer in Florida.  Below is the girl, Elena Hoyos.  The guy on the right I think I saw in some old noir movies, as a DA or a hood.

She had tuberculosis and wound up in the sanatorium where "Dr." von Cosel worked.

When she died, she was buried in this mausoleum built by the Doctor with the family's consent.  He would slip into it and continue embalming her body.  He apparently had no idea how to do so.

After a year or so, he stole the body and moved it into his bedroom, continuing to try to preserve the remains.  He added a tube that allowed him to have sex with her, thereby leaping over Ed Gein in the demented fucking weirdo department, a stunning accomplishment.  No, that's wrong.  Karl Tanzier didn't kill anyone and he certainly loved Elena, to say the least.  Still weird.
( The tube story surfaced in 1972 and may be false.  I sure wouldn't want someone to think this guy was strange or anything ).

Smilin' Ed.

Carl Tanzier.  The very face of determination.

Tanzier outside his laboratory, 1940.  Laboratory, indeed.

Carl was released as he was adjudged sane and the statute of limitations was up.  He died in 1952, found dead behind one of his organs.

Charlie, we hardly knew you.


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