Honore Daumier

Daumier is such an astounding artist that I almost don't know where to begin.  As usual, I will not try the readers patience with background, that can be found here-

My brother, Graffo, has a degree in lithography and I think that Daumier is his hero.  He certainly is influenced by his style.  Daumier's biting commentary and extreme artistic talent informed France during his lifetime.  Let us take this, for instance:

No. 13 Rue Transnonain

April 14th, 1834, a shot is fired near a barricade and a platoon of soldiers enters No. 13 and slaughters 12 people who had nothing to do with it.  Louis Philippe's already unpopular reign takes a nosedive.  The government seizes the picture and the litho stone but the damage is done.  


He did a series of lithos concerning the law.  I will not presume to explain this to the viewer.

The clergy was a particular target.

Spot on.

He disliked the king.  (and did 6 months inside for this effrontery).

An eye for human foibles.  Is this just not a fantastic drawing?

L'Odorant.  From his book Types Parisienes.

No better artist ever.

The third class carriage.

He could also paint,  n'est ce-pas?  One of my all time faves.

The beautiful Narcissus.  Hmmmm....


Here the King mourns the death of Lafayette.  This is a masterpiece and my favorite of  his lithographs.

A few caricatures in bronze.  I think these were friends of his.

Ah, la fin.  Salut, M. l'Artiste!


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