

This elegant deer is by the very talented Andibi, who is on DeviantArt.  I like to browbeat other artists to let me put up work that I admire, and this is one of those whose work makes mine look like the scribbles that they are.  (hence the name of my site).  Mr. Andibi likes anthro deer.  Not only is this unusual in my experience, but he has a pre-conquest mythos surrounding said deer.  This deer escorts the souls of the dead to the other side.  


" Acrylic on panel, 7 x 5 inches.  This is supposed to be a fey being, essentially immortal, but capable of feeling human longings.  The arrow can be either metaphorical or physical, but in general, it represents heartache.  The design carved on the stone is based on the Entrance Stone at Newgrange, in County Meath, north of Dublin.  It's one of the great monuments of Celtic Ireland and a reminder that the pain of this world, however bad, is not eternal ".  This description is written by the artist.

Newgrange Entrance Stone, County Meath

 Dance Officer

The Kaikeoua, or the Plea from the People to the Daughter of Father Sky, is to thank Keoua for the gift of rain.  Notice how he declines this noun.  Andibi is seriously educated in Philology and folklore.


If she accepts the flowers, all is rosy.  If not, one must carry them until they wilt.  By this time the whole village knows that all is not well with you.

A Special Job

Is this guy good with pencils or what?

Traveler's Bench

I see a lot of Anasazi style customs going on here!

A Handful Of Trouble

Summer Of '79

Too Cute!

This is just incredible.  I urge everyone to vist Andibi's page.   And just one more-

Tahenu And The Lord Of Death

Well, there it is.  It is important to read what he has to say about his creations, and that is best done by going here:

To say the least, Andibi is an illustration grade artist and possesses an imagination like I have never seen before. talking rabbits, though!



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