This is by Nayikee, an artist I just met on DeviantArt.  I have met many very good artists there, but this guy has something going on.  I like penciled comic book style art, and this is a great example of it.

This guy is named Ulf.

Om Noms For Quetzalcoatl or Fangs For Nothing!
(Speaking about Quetzalcoatl, I once caught a hummingbird in my bare hands.  Er...this is Nayikee's post, I'll save that one for later.  Carry on).

Anasazi Wolf.

Weird War.

Soul Of The Introvert

Hello, Jawbreaker!!!!!

This is just top notch action.  I wish I could make something look so alive.


Ship of the line, looks like something out of the Anglo-Dutch wars to me.

Biker Wolf.

Heavy metal thunder.

A Walk In The Rain Forest WIP

I approve of this sort of activity.

Just Another Excursion Into My Head 001

This bears all the marks of an underground comics fan.  Once you start, you will never turn back.  Mr. Nayikee's work can be seen here -

Satisfaction guaranteed!

The name is now Kosmo Koyote but I decided to leave this the way I originally wrote it.


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