Nguyen Van Lem. Adios, Motherfucker!

This guy has just murdered the deputy commander of the South Vietnamese police, his wife and children.  He cut the throat of one of the boys but he survived.  Lem was arrested near a ditch with 37 bodies, all civilians, he and his "men" had killed.  He was not dressed as a combatant, and was in charge of a revenge squad randomly killing whoever he wanted to.  He deserved death and much more painful than this.

"Captain" Lem about to be executed.  No one out of uniform murdering children has a military rank.

We need to see more of this kind of thing here.

A good man wronged.  The Johnson administration hated him for not letting our guys do what they wanted.  The entire administration and much of our military should have stood execution.  They did not need a trial.  General Loan was a man of principle and action. 

However, today is the 48th anniversary of the Kent State thing.  The National Guard proves to the nation what a bunch of pussies they were.  Goddamn, what cowards.  What a disgrace. Shooting young people was different than fighting determined enemies who had guns also.
The National Guard never went to Vietnam.  Although in Wartime they fall under federal control, the two presidents responsible were scared to activate them.  Never mind that these men took the money and did nothing to deserve it.  Instead we opted for people like William Calley and the Project Hundred Thousand Program to fill requirements.,000

Our leaders did more harm to this country than Prohibition, a very big statement.

Complete, avoidable, defeat.  Some of these refugees deserved rescue.  Most of them had gotten rich off the American intervention and the corruption of the Government of Viet-Nam.  This is the Defense Attache Office, the DAO, with a roof reinforced just for this purpose.  Apparently some people could see beyond a headline.


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