
Moonrabbits are a curse upon the world.  These vicious and solitary killers are the only carnivorous lagomorphs known.  A single moonrabbit would terrorize an entire county in the pre-firearm age, and they delight in combat and bloodletting.  
Moonrabbits are nocturnal and have a marked sensitivity to light.  They avoid each other and only associate with their own kind to mate.  They are very advanced technically and have been known to fashion steel weapons.  It is believed that some are literate. Attempts have been made to lure them into military service, but the certainty of them killing their fellow soldiers has made this a futile effort.  Because of their nightime activities they are also known as dream rabbits, bloodfurs, and nosbunniculu.
A moonrabbit will almost never ignore a challenge and many have been eliminated by ambush in this manner.  A common trapping method uses the ancient technique of tarbaby provocation, although this has been known to backfire spectacularly.  When planning a moonrabbit cull, be prepared.  Other predators fear them so leave the dogs at home.
You have been warned.


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