What Makes The Muskrat Guard His Musk?

The iconic fursuit and performance.  Bert Lahr as the Cowardly Lion, The Wizard of Oz, 1939.  MGM.
In 2014 this genuine lion skin costume sold to an unknown buyer for 3.1 million dollars.  It was discovered in an old MGM warehouse.  It needed a lot of work, and the mane had to be recreated in Paris, taking two years to complete.   James Comisar, the owner, said that a secondary costume from the film went for over a million a few years back.  He hired Bert's oldest son, Herbert, who has an uncanny resemblance to his father, to model for technicians so they could recreate the facial make-up.
Money and lots of it is a wonderful thing.  That soitain air of savoir-faire!

I find it hard to believe that Mr. Comisar, who has the greatest Hollywood memorabilia collection of them all, could bear to part with this costume.  He sure put a lot of work into saving it.

This is the other fursuit being worn by a stuntman double.


 Guess who just stole the show?


The first picture of the Cowardly Lion and still the best.  W. W. Denslow.


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