Orangina Commercials And Some Other Things

This Spanish soft drink hit the market in 1935, not the best time for Spain.

Apparently Orangina thinks that sex sells.

They are probably right.  But does Furry sex sell?


Super gay.

 A tiger this sharp is beyond labels. Is it me or is he dressed like the Magus?

The Magus, from the best story Marvel ever put out.  Illustrated by Jim Starlin before he went downhill and how, this was a mind blower for a young teen like myself.  I still like the Magus in spite of or because of his costume, over the top flamboyant that it is.  I mean, who would not want to be a purple mesomorph with that devastating silver fro and space/time power?  And dig that belt.   Remember, the Magus is the only being ever to beat Thanos in a fistfight, and managed to look fabulous while he did so!

Sex fact for today - Do not fuck with the Magus!

Worst of both worlds.

  Man, goat, bottle, explosion.

Here a puma is shaving.  The operative word in the fandom is "furry".  This is just strange.

Like I said.  These did not air in the US, I wonder why.

     Are there really that many furs in France and England for this to have worked?   These ads are silly, unerotic, poorly done and perverse.  The sin of sins is bad artwork.

Well, maybe not that badly done.

 "Staying alive" would mean avoiding this individual as fast as possible.
Yesterday in Colorado a jogger choked a cougar to death after it attacked him.


Carl Akeley.  In 1896 this renowned naturalist strangled that leopard.  He damn near died and one can see the size difference is totally in Carl's favor.  Anyone who has tried to bathe an adult cat can imagine what kind of a scene that was.  Akeley stuffed Jumbo the elephant and his techniques are the foundation of modern natural taxidermy.

Ghost and Darkness, the Tsavo mankillers, mounted using Akeley's techniques.

In a bitterly contested siege who do you think goes into the pot first?

(Underpeople would work perfect for the military.  The term was coined by Cordwainer Smith, and the underpeople are modified anthropomorphic animals with no rights.  They are altered so that their natural attributes are emphasized.  Sex with them is illegal and they have no say in their life's direction.  They can be, and are, killed with impunity).
Soldiers one does not have to answer to Congress about, any politician's blank check.  And - you know what happens to war dogs after the fighting.  No pensions to worry about here!

The fantasy.

Furries seem to ignore this side of the fandom.

Dr. Moreau:
What is the law?
Sayer of the Law:
Not to eat meat, that is the law. Are we not men?
Dr. Moreau:
What is the law?
Sayer of the Law:
Not to go on all fours, that is the law. Are we not men?
Dr. Moreau:
What is the law?
Sayer of the Law:
Not to spill blood, that is the law. Are we not men?

(Top notch tiger pic by Andy Rouse.  Superior wolf photo by First Light).


It's only a cartoon.


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