The Affair

In 1894, the French Army Statistical Bureau, (counter-espionage), had in their possession a note recovered from a wastepaper basket in the Parisian German embassy.  The note indicated that classified information was being sold, presumably by a French army officer.  The men involved concluded, falsely, that an artillery trained member of the General Staff was the culprit, and that the note (bordereau) was in the handwriting of Captain Alfred Dreyfuss, Jewish.  There was also a letter "D" that referred to the traitor.

 The bordereau.

 On this evidence, and no other, Captain Dreyfus was sentenced to life in solitary confinement and shipped off to a former leper colony, now known as Devil's Island.  He was kept in chains and was not allowed to speak to his guards, nor they to him.
There was never a shred of evidence against him.  None.
The army used the excuse of national security and the trial was held in camera.  The defense was illegally deprived of the "proof" against the accused.  It was known all along by almost everybody in this travesty that Dreyfus had nothing to do with treason, nothing at all.  But he was cerebral, aloof and Jewish and France was riddled with anti-Semitism.  The worship of the Army was at the bottom of all of this nonsense, for how could army officers be wrong?  The real culprit was known fairly soon, through the efforts of a Major Picquart.

Major Georges Picquart

Picquart discovered that the bordereau was actually the work of the traitor Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy.  He was warned by the high command to back off, something he refused to do.  On the forged evidence of Henry, he was court-martialed and imprisoned for several months.  Upon exoneration, he received the rank of Brigadier General, and died from a fall from a horse in 1914.

Armand du Paty de Clam, the man who arrested Dreyfus.  Note all the honor medals.  He also warned Esterhazy and threatened Picquart and a French senator, Auguste Scheurer-Kestner, who had a history of opposing idiots in power.  de Clam's son, Charles, was appointed as Commissioner-General for Jewish Affairs in March 1944, removed in May for his ambivalence toward the final solution.  Compared with his father Charles was a decent sort, kinda.  The closed court martial introduced violently false evidence and accusations against the defendant.  The premier detective in the world, Alphonse Bertillon, took the stand and claimed that Captain Dreyfus imitated his own handwriting in the bordereau, thus to confound detection.  Even the prosecution thought this was bullshit, but they ran with it.  Bertillion, the inventor of Anthropometry, the first scientific method for identifying individuals, knew nothing of handwriting analysis. Major Hubert-Joseph Henry swore that the guilt of the accused was confirmed by an unnamed classified source.  Captain Dreyfus demanded confrontation with this unknown and was refused.  Right there he should have been exonerated, but his fate was already decided on.  Henry would go on to forge documents, clumsily, to bolster the charges against Dreyfus and later Major Picquart.


       Juan Vucetich of Argentina, having made the first murder conviction by fingerprinting,  went to Paris to visit the father of scientific criminal identification.   Bertillion came to the door of his residence and said to Vucetich, "You have tried to destroy me and done me much harm", and slammed the door in the astonished policeman's face.  When Bertillion lay dying, there was an attempt to give him the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor, but he would not admit to a
 "mistake" on his part in the Dreyfus case.  He is little known today, and he perjured himself
 at the request of the army.  Thus passed a formally great man.

Juan Vucetich.  First solving of a murder with fingerprints, 1892.

In 1898 Lt. Col. Henry was imprisoned and cut his own throat in the cell after it was confirmed he manufactured evidence against Dreyfus and Picquart.  His cell had been searched earlier that day and no razor was found.  He may have been murdered.

The culprit- Major Ferdinand Walsin Esterhazy, a reprobate who should have been the first person investigated.  He was exonerated by court martial although his guilt was obvious.  He died in England in 1923, after confessing his crimes.  He is buried there under a false name.

The hut where Dreyfus spent all those years on Devil's Island, chained to his cot.  His guards were ordered to kill him at the slightest attempt at rescue.  After his exoneration he was promoted to Major and made a knight of the Legion of Honor.  In 1908 he was shot in the arm by a journalist in a failed assassination attempt during the transfer of Zola's body to the Pantheon. He served in the first world war and became a lieutenant colonel, dying at 75.

Museum of Horrors.

Two of the anti-Dreyfusard posters.  These were 52 cartoons posted all over Paris, and they are vicious to an extreme.

Zola got mentioned as well, here depicted as the King of Pigs, painting France with shit.  Here is the link to Wikipedia:

The primary anti-Semetic, anti-freemasonry, anti-left wing newspaper in France.
The Vichy government was made up of this type thing.

Public disgrace and humiliation, by the army he worked very hard for.  Captain Dreyfus had nothing to do with treason, and the Army and the Right-Wing decided it was better to scapegoat an innocent than to admit a mistake.  Besides, he was a Jew.  That France did so poorly in WWI is no surprise.  Only the stamina and bravery of her rank and file saved her.

This sickness led to Compiegne.

Anti-Semitism is the first refuge of the ignorant and cowardly. 

(Paragraph removed)

  This is why I chose today's topic of the Dreyfus case.  One spark such as that will ignite the powder keg of America today.
Gee, the only word I can think of now is "Cassandra".  What on earth could that mean?

Cassandra, Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys.

I wrote this some three years ago, and have edited it to bring it up to date and to make a point about General Flynn.  But never fear, this madness is still alive and well.  The following article even quotes from The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion, that runaway bestseller -

Oh, and here is Jon Voight's letter to Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz, two brain-dead Spaniards who are feted and admired by millions-

 My name is Jon Voight and I am more than angry, I am heartsick that people like Penelope Cruz and Javier Bardem could incite anti-Semitism all over the world and are oblivious to the damage they have caused
They are obviously ignorant of the whole story of Israel’s birth, when in 1948 the Jewish people were offered by the UN a portion of the land originally set aside for them in 1921, and the Arab Palestinians were offered the other half. The Arabs rejected the offer, and the Jews accepted, only to be attacked by five surrounding Arab countries committed to driving them into the sea. But the Israelis won. The Arabs tried it again in 1967, and again in 1973, launching a sneak attack on the holiest Jewish holiday. Each time the Jews prevailed but not without great loss of life. And when Israel was not fighting a major war, it was defending itself against terrorist campaigns.    
And yet Israel has always labored for a peaceful relation with its Arab neighbors. It voluntarily returned the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt in return for peace, and gave the Palestinians all of Gaza as a peace gesture. What was the response? The Palestinians elected Hamas, a terrorist organization, and they immediately began firing thousands of rockets into Israel.
After years of trying to make peace, the wars they had to fight, being attacked by their enemies, and still being attacked, and finally after years of running into bomb shelters and having hundreds of civilians killed by suicide bombers, civilians being killed in their sleep, stabbed to pieces, finding enough is enough and finally retaliating, instead of my peers sticking up for the only democratic country in that region, they go and take out poison letters against them.
You have forgotten how this war started. Did Hamas not kidnap and kill three young teenagers for the sake of killing, and celebrated after the killing? What a travesty of justice.
I am asking all my peers who signed that poison letter against Israel to examine their motives. Can you take back the fire of anti-Semitism that is raging all over the world now?
You have been able to become famous and have all your monetary gains because you are in a democratic country: America. Do you think you would have been able to accomplish this in Iran, Syria, Lebanon, et cetera? You had a great responsibility to use your celebrity for good. Instead, you have defamed the only democratic country of goodwill in the Middle East: Israel.
You should hang your heads in shame. You should all come forth with deep regrets for what you did, and ask forgiveness from the suffering people in Israel.

Like I said in the above, the first refuge of the ignorant and cowardly.  But Barden is not just ignorant, he is a pampered Hollywood fool, rewarded beyond most dreams of envy by the very establishment many people maintain  is controlled by Jewish interests.
I got news for Sr. Bardem, Israel is here to stay and Never Again means something to a warrior nation.

Good for you, Jonny!


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