The First Movie I Went To By Myself

1975.  I drove our old Mercury station wagon to a dollar cinema and watched Hard Times, one of the best movies I have ever seen.  Up until that time I had never gone to a flick alone.  Now I will not go with anyone except my brother.  The next movie I saw a week after that was Open Season, with William Holden and Peter Fonda, and it was about as heartless and cold as a well made movie can get.  This is Robert Tessier as Jim Henry.  The drawing was overerased and I ruined it, but I was starting to come up with better furry stuff and I think this is good.  Although Mr. Tessier was one of the baldest men you have ever seen in a whup ass movie, I thought he would be at home in a wolf fursona.

You can see my point.  Robert Tessier was a great mega tough guy actor, doing a lot of cheap movies, then he worked his way up to go to indispensable bad motherfucker.  Watch the Born Losers, Billy Jack's first outing, and see what I mean about this.  What fun he must have had! He was an intelligent and brave man.  Handsome, too! (like I stated recently, it is far better for a man to look terrifying then beautiful).  He got a Silver Star in Korea as a paratrooper.  
While my drawing looks nothing like him, I think it hits the nail on the head.  Sometimes even I do good!

As 'Cueball' in The Born Losers.  His gravestone says nothing about his acting career.  Died at 56 of cancer.


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