Happy Halloween!

Hannes Bok illustration for Lovecraft's Pickman's Model, Famous Fantastic Mysteries, December 1951.

The superbly talented Bok (Wayne Francis Woodard) was a class A eccentric, and became obsessed by astrology and magic.  Toward the end he barely made a living with his stunning art, and starved to death in 1964.  He got his start when the unknown 19 year old Ray Bradbury showed the editor of Weird Tales Bok's artwork.   From what I recall of Pickman's Model there is nothing like this picture occurring in the story, and it was also drawn in 1950.  I suspect Mr. Bok just sent them something he had lying around.  Perfect, however, for today's Halloween post.  He also shared the first Hugo Award for cover art with Ed Emshwiller.  The same year saw Hugos go to Philip Jose Farmer and Alfred Bester, not shabby at all.



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