Sir Jacob Vouza

Sgt. Major Jacob Vouza with trophy.  Seems kinda pitiless, does it not?  But read on:

August 20th, 1942.  Retired Constable Sergeant Major Jacob Vouza is captured by the Ichigi Detachment as he scouts for the Marine Corps.  The Japs found an American flag on him, and used him for bayonet practice.  Hours later Vouza wakes up and chews his way through his bindings, and then crawls hundreds of yards to the Marine position.  He tells the commander that an attack is on the way, giving the Marine's ten vital minutes to prepare.  (Vouza's info confirmed the direction the attack was coming from.  There were almost 20,000 Marines and Sailors on the island, but the attack was expected from sea.  The terrain was such that an all round defense was impossible). The resultant battle eradicated the Japanese.  (misnamed the Battle of the Tenaru).  Vouza was promoted to Sgt. Major in the Corps, given a Silver Star and various other honors.  He was later a Knight Batchelor (?)and respected Elder.  I forgot to mention that all this was at Guadalcanal.

Solomon Islands, Savo, c.1925.   Here is a tribe in full hunter tog.  These are the  people you want to mistreat and kill for fun?

 The next day.  Most of the few survivors starved to death.  The Ichiki detachment is destroyed.

Class will tell anywhere, anytime.


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