Vaughn Bode

Vaughn Bode by Jeffrey Jones.

The Hat.  Cheech had no official hands in public.  He was, is, a fucking degenerate con artist.  His face has never been revealed.  He is old with long grey hair as shown in one of the comics.

He had a mythos about violence.  He was the first cute talking animals artist I ever saw that was a heartless, cold blooded atrocity monger.  Vaughn loved war comics and drew some of the best ever.  He also loved to show fools dying because of their stupidity.

He had a thing about 3rd Reich equipment, and, of course, anthro lizards.  He had an honorable discharge from the army even though he had psych issues, huge surprise there.

 Spot on.

Master of layout and line.

 I always thought highly of his artwork and storytelling.  Trust me, in 1974 Cheech alone was a mind blower.

Quite the sense of humor!

 He is very popular with street artists, his style is certainly perfect for spray paint projects.

He had an Ambrose Bierce thing going.

Not Disney.  This is up there with "Big If" by Harvey Kurtzman.

Pinterest credits this to Bode. This is by William Stout for the movie 'Wizards'.  Bode and Ralph Bakshi were friends and this was taken from one Bode's comics.

His characters are very alive and fluid.

A Bode girl of vinyl.

From Sunpot.  Another cold story of foolishness, superbly illustrated.

Hugo Award for Best Fan Artist of 1968.  That may be Robert Bloch behind him, I don't know.  The site did not clear that up.

We were good for about another 35 years of this or better.  What a fucking shame.


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