A Scene At Rice U

Is this before a meet?  If this is practice, why are these people here?  I see two hats on grown men, but otherwise I have no clue as to the year.  Men quit wearing snap brim hats after the Kennedy inauguration.  Who is this big guy in the baggy sweats?  Are those running shoes or the crepe variety?  The scoreboard behind him mentions quarters, what the clock represents I do not know unless it is some kind of timer.  The clock must read counter-clockwise judging by the placement of the numbers.  Widdershins, as the Scots say.  Why does the seated young man stare at us over the distance of so many years?  He does not seem to be involved in the athletics going on here, but why else is he here?  Notice that chain link fences have been made the same way for decades.  Who is this lady who would probably be fairly eye catching were it not for the shower curtain trousers she is wearing?  I am guessing that this is a track and field event, practice, or meeting.  The clock has the word 'Union' on it, student union or some other?  This photo is more than disturbing, it is unfathomable.  Are these people aware of this? -

You better believe they are.  I know feigned insouciance when I see it.

From the same batch of photos.  Why are these natty young intellectuals leaning against this garage or barn door?  They sure look happy.  What is with junior on the left?  No tie or vest, but above all no pleated trousers.  He must be a prospect!  Also, what are the odds that four random men will have their hair parted on the left and swept to the right?  Zero, correct.  This is a secret society without a doubt.  Total number of hands visible, one.  No spectacles.  The man with the visible hand is obviously their leader.  Argyle ties are a mark of high rank among engineers, this appears to be the same crowd that would go on to build the Saturn Five.  Except for shorty there,  I know a future sex starved writer when I see one.  His checked shirt is a mark of rebellion, and his lack of self esteem will delight a generation of readers who want their rockets hot and their women hotter!  There is some sort of machine behind this door, and these guys are pleased as punch about what they are about to do.  Whatever it is, liquid oxygen and hydrogen peroxide will factor into this 'demonstration'.
The world will never be the same.


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