Bad Bunnies

Blue Bunny, from Ice Haven by Daniel Clowes.  I just love rabbits with bad attitudes!

Daniel Clowes is great, although Ghost World did nothing for me.

I sure want to be able to draw adorable, poorly behaved cartoon furries, without any hard work on my part, of course.

It all starts with this guy, and dig those fuckin' threads!  Bugs is planning some payback.

The alert reader will notice the artist's signature.  The greatest team up in animation ever!  Bugs is vibrant, vindictive, of questionable sexuality, vicious, Brooklyn born, morally bankrupt and immortal.
He is one of today's bad bunnies.  (Vanity is a sin, and this is one very vain rabbit).

Br'er Rabbit, trickster and icon of the South.  Bill Peet.

Disney has some of the greatest cartoon artists ever brought together under one roof.  Shame about their shitty movies.

Peter Rabbit, a mildly disobedient bunny who does not get it about Mr. McGregor, the ogre who ate Peter's father.  Beatrix Potter refused to allow Walt to use her creations, especially this one.  Her heirs sold Peter to Sony so they could make one of the truly awful animated movies of all time. 

Biker Bunny, Fritz the Cat.  Speed freak and revolutionary, this movie is so fucked up as to take all of Crumb's considerable charm out of his creations.  Still, he got 9 million dollars for doing nothing and all he does is bitch about it.  I bet Ralph Bakshi is pretty cool to hang out with unlike Robert Crumb.

Nothing like the original.


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