Judge Bun And A Case From The Furry File

Mega-Hutch One is very law and order. With Judge Bun on the street, law abiding citizens can sleep secure in the knowledge that evil doers will be stopped in their tracks.  Since you are reading this furry blog, you are guilty of multiple violations of a very serious nature, and if I were you I would report to the Hall of Justice right away, and perhaps Judge Bun will take your cooperation into consideration.
But don't count on it.

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance!

But wait, a Bonus!  I am now going to reveal what Judge Dredd's face looks like, this has only appeared one time in all of the 'prog's about this most interesting of fascist bastard cops.

Chief Judge Eustace Fargo, 2001-2051.  Suicide.
Behold the face of Dredd!  Both Joe Dredd and his twin Rico are clones of Judge Fargo.  The birthdate is probably wrong, but you try to figure out everything that goes on in the Mega-city One 'verse.

2000 Ad, August 4th, 1984.  What fun I was having then!  Cover by Ron Smith as is the drawing of Chief Judge Fargo.

Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Adamson as Dredd and Mean Machine Angel, the two figures pictured on the cover above.  Sylvester is my adored grandfather's name so if you didn't think this movie was all that great, and it wasn't, keep it to yourself, citizen!

Born to play the role. 


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