The New Dog

This is my sister's new dog, Grace.  At least that is what she is called right now.  She got here Saturday, and a happier animal I have never seen.  My sister had her on trial but the second I saw her I made up my mind she was staying with us and no two ways about it.  She was a new dog at the shelter my sister volunteers at, and is just the bounciest, busiest thing imaginable.  She is half Catahoula and some sort of cattle dog.  Catahoulas are a hunting dog out of Louisiana, also known as leopard dogs.  Pure blood leopard dogs are much larger and have a more mastiff sort of face.  She is a fairly small dog, just perfect for my sister and her 6 cats.  She is delighted to have a family and my sister's oldest cat Emily has already started sleeping with her.
Dogs are made for love and a better non-voting partner cannot be imagined.


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