The End Is The Beginning

No one knows where the virus came from. It was a weaponized strain, and a state that poured much effort into such a thing would have had to have the resources needed, which limited the list of suspects, to, well, half the world. What is known is that from the mid-east outward, countries began to fall silent. Certain of the major powers had bio war facilities, and this is where the story of the Graft begins. The mortality rate was 100% to humans, with symptoms horrible to behold. The worst thing is that it took so long to kill the infected. Transmission was airborne, immediate and all encompassing. All mammals were affected to some degree. Civilization came to a halt, as the shivering, skinless victims entered the last stages of the sickness, unconsciousness punctuated by bursts of extreme terror. Some communities were able to implement the Masada solution, but most were incapacitated by the scourge before any organized...