Stuart Fergusson Victor Sutcliffe

Stu Sutcliffe quit music to attend art school in Germany.  His teacher was Sir Eduardo Paolozzi.  The original bass guitarist for the Beatles, he had a career in front of him that would have seen him as a major artist independent of any rock and roll band.  He collapsed in art class and died in the ambulance, 1962.  This guy was extremely talented.  21 years old at his death.

What a shame.  Awesome hair.

Many young people start down a false path before achieving their destiny.  Here is Stu with some guys he knew.
The guitar is a 1959 - 60 Hofner 500/5 bass.

 It's a myth that he couldn't play, as you can hear in the above.  The guitar is now owned by the Hard Rock Cafe.

Album cover bait if I ever say it.  The worst thing about Stu's death is his loss to the art world.


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