The Best Cover Ever

Johnny and the Hurricanes.

Lionel 'Butch' Mattice, Dave Yorko, Paul Tesluk, Johnny Paris, nee Pocisk, and drummer William 'Little Bo" Savitch.  Johnny turned out to be a creep and wanted all the money for himself, the entire band quit on him in 1961.  The Beatles famously opened for them in 1962 at the Star Club in Hamburg, but only Johnny was original.  
Dave Yorko is my favorite guitarist.  Tesluk lives in my home town of Austin, Texas, and good luck to him.  Dave died a couple of years back, he never was part of anything as big as the Hurricanes again.  Here is their biggest hit, Red River Rock:

Yorko had a sort of Chuck Berry straightforward guitar style that I regard as the cleanest and tightest guitar in the business.  While there is no such thing as 'the greatest', this guy was good.  Here is Reveille Rock, and listen to the guitar solo on this:

Not bad, huh?  Now, to get to the point.  Here is the best cover of a rock song that I have ever heard.  Signore Alcozer is from Agrigrento, Sicily, and is beyond talented.  I cannot find a good picture so this link will have to do.

Rock and Roll is no respecter of nationalities.

 Nothing like the classics.


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