Barret Bonden Billy

Billy D. Bunny as Barret Bonden, my favorite enlisted man.

If you have not read the Aubrey - Maturin books by Patrick O'Brien then you are very lucky, I have read them all and there are no new ones left for me.  The very essence of historical adventure and superlative writing, so good they pushed Hornblower and Flashman to one side.  I cannot recommend these more. 
But Flashman is still the funniest thing I have ever read, if you think cowards and poltroons are funny, and I do.  Uh,... Lucky Jim is pretty damn funny also. What is it with these English writers?  But not Shakespeare, dear lord no.  Everyone I know likes him because they think they are supposed to like him, tell me, would you rather go to the local production of Love's Labors Lost or go to the local drive-in showing of The Road Warrior with Mel?  You're damn right you would, and we're gonna need a lot more weed than just that there.


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