
The 'Dude', AKA Tenderfoot

The Gamblers

This was drawn by a 14 year old boy.  Now he is a talented anthro artist, one of the best yet.

 Andibi's Profile Picture 

Andrew The Bee.  Andrew derives from 'andro' meaning "manly", also "brave", "strong", "courageous", and "warrior".  The discerning reader will notice how close this word is to 'anthro', human-like, which is what this site trumpets and promotes ad infinitum.  Over the years Andy has drifted from these excellent rabbits, possibly even Texas rabbits, to a more Cervidae focused anthropomorphism, or 'furry', as such artwork is less formally known.

 As a Texan who identifies with aggressive hard drinking heavily armed poorly behaved bunnies I can only lament this sad loss of a great chronicler of the Lagomorph Legend.  But time will heal all, and what we have lost in ears we have gained in legs.  And, of course, both these peoples have the most adorable tails!

The Furry boat only comes around once, and guess what happens if you're not on board when it sails?

You've been warned.


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